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Jordan Julien

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What I believe in

I strive to make products better for people. I want to help people by creating meaningful products that meet their needs while avoiding any form of harm or manipulation. I believe that better-designed products can contribute to societal improvement by addressing critical challenges. To me, design is about change—it’s a practice that, like any major change initiative, requires thoughtfulness and care.

Where I come from

My career began in project management, where I found myself filling roles, like UX design, that hadn’t yet become mainstream. As UX design grew, I immersed myself in it, eventually becoming a top-tier UX strategist. I founded Hostile Sheep Research & Design in 2012 with the intention of improving the digital products organizations create. Hostile Sheep implemented an innovative business model and represented an experiment of sorts; testing the hypothesis that great experience design didn’t have to be expensive and time-consuming. We helped organizations like General Electric, the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, Tangerine Bank, Penn State University, Amazon, YMCA and many others across the healthcare, education and financial services sectors. After years of collaboration with The Moment, we decided to merge, recognizing a shared vision and values.

Why I’m here

At the end of the day I want to feel like I’ve helped society. I want to improve the products and services people use everyday, especially products that marginalized or underserved populations use. I believe we need to think about products and services in the context of the systems they belong to. This holistic perspective is shared by The Moment and enables us to make a greater impact than we could individually. 

Our shared goal is to elevate our practices to meet the evolving needs of our clients with integrated solutions that address the challenges of a rapidly changing, digitally-driven world. I’m committed to supporting the people within The Moment through cross-mentorship, knowledge sharing, and collaborative leadership. Practices I developed at Hostile Sheep have already begun to shape the structure and culture here, further aligning us with our goal to tackle societal challenges.

Momenteer fun fact

I love Super Mario Brothers and never miss a board-game night with friends. I also have a 13-year-old yellow lab who’s been with me since he was three months old. My only tattoo is a Fourier Series that I discovered in high school, dealing with the compression of light—a discovery that earned me a scholarship for theoretical particle physics. Though I didn’t pursue physics, I have no regrets, because every step has led me here, and I couldn’t be happier.